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U.S. Taxation of Foreign Rental Income: Sourcing of Income Rules, Exemptions, Reporting, and Other Key Issues

Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE/CPE video webinar with Q&A

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Conducted on Thursday, June 6, 2024

Recorded event now available

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE/CPE webinar will provide tax counsel guidance on the U.S. tax treatment of foreign rental income and international real estate investments. The panel will discuss U.S. sourcing of income rules, exemptions, and reporting requirements. The panel will also provide insights into typical structuring options for investors purchasing real estate abroad for purposes of short term and vacation rentals, potential tax implications, and pitfalls to avoid.


Taxpayers renting a vacation property, a residence, or other rental property located in foreign jurisdictions to supplement their income are required to report such income. Tax counsel must recognize the tax planning, reporting, and other issues stemming from foreign rental income received by U.S. taxpayers.

Many taxpayers have found renting a vacation property, residence, or a room a reasonable way to supplement their income. However, for foreign rental income, the taxes imposed and methods of applying these taxes are astounding, forcing taxpayers and tax counsel to carefully consider various taxes based on the location of the property.

Foreign tax credits may help alleviate the resulting double-taxation of income for U.S. residents but are only available on foreign-sourced income. In addition, other applicable regulations and tax treaties can be used to accurately assess taxes and credits for taxpayers.

What is certain is that there are significant penalties for failing to comply, and ultimately the owner is responsible for the calculation and timely remittance of these taxes.

Listen as our panel discusses U.S. sourcing of income rules, exemptions, and reporting requirements for foreign rental income. The panel will also provide insights into typical structuring options for investors purchasing real estate abroad for purposes of short term and vacation rentals, potential tax implications, and pitfalls to avoid.



  1. Source of income rules: an overview
  2. Taxes on short-term rentals: an introduction
  3. Rental income issues
  4. Other income
  5. Federal tax issues
  6. Treaty exceptions
  7. Occupancy and other jurisdictional taxes


The panel will cover these and other critical issues:

  • International taxation of vacation, short-term, and other rentals
  • Federal tax rules and reporting requirements
  • Impact of U.S. tax rules on non-U.S. Airbnbs, VRBOs, and other rentals owned by U.S. citizens
  • Impact of treaty clauses on general income sourcing rules


Kennedy-C. Edward
C. Edward (Ed) Kennedy, Jr., CPA, JD

Managing Director
C Edward Kennedy Jr

Mr. Kennedy has more than 42 years of experience dealing with a variety of international tax matters, specializing...  |  Read More

McCormick, Patrick
Patrick J. McCormick, J.D., LL.M.

Founder/Managing Partner
McCormick Tax

Mr. McCormick specializes in the areas of international taxation, tax compliance, and offshore reporting...  |  Read More

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