U.S.-Australia Tax Issues for Dual Status Taxpayers: Tax Planning and Compliance Requirements, Treaty Operations
Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE/CPE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE/CPE webinar will provide estate planners with a comprehensive guide to tax planning challenges and opportunities for clients who have a tax presence in both the U.S. and Australia. The panel will discuss the U.S. tax law and treaty provisions that govern tax and fiduciary rules in both Australia and the United States. The webinar will focus on the U.S. tax and other consequences for Australian clients with a U.S. tax presence and U.S. taxpayers with Australian-based pensions and other assets.
- The U.S.-Australia income tax treaty overview and dual tax mitigation provisions
- Domicile and residency rules
- Passive and unearned income treatment
- U.S. tax reporting requirements of Australia-sourced investments
- U.S. tax of Australian Superannuation funds
The panel will review these and other important topics:
- What are the tax treaty provisions for mitigating dual taxation on ownership of cross-border pass-through entities?
- Limitation of benefits clauses and provisions in the U.S.-Australia income tax treaty
- U.S. tax treatment of Australian Superannuation funds
- Key risks and challenges of passive/unearned income in cross-border situations
- U.S. reporting requirements of Australia-sourced investments

Patrick J. McCormick, J.D., LL.M.
Rimon Law
Mr. McCormick specializes in the areas of international taxation and multinational trusts and estates. He has... | Read More
Mr. McCormick specializes in the areas of international taxation and multinational trusts and estates. He has published assorted national articles and given innumerous national and local presentations on assorted areas of international tax. He is licensed to practice in the State of New Jersey and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Daniel N. Price
Law Offices of Daniel N.Price
Mr. Price's legal practice focuses on tax and Title 31 (Bank Secrecy Act) controversy matters with the IRS and tax... | Read More
Mr. Price's legal practice focuses on tax and Title 31 (Bank Secrecy Act) controversy matters with the IRS and tax matters before certain state tax authorities. For over nineteen years, Mr. Price served as an attorney for the Office of Chief Counsel of the Internal Revenue Service. As a former trial attorney and manager (supervisory trial attorney) with the Office of Chief Counsel and as a Special Assistant United States Attorney, Mr. Price has had unique experience with tax controversy and tax administration.