S Corporation Formation Issues: Issuing Stock, Eligible Shareholders, Selecting a Year-End and Accounting Method
Recording of a 110-minute CPE webinar with Q&A
This webinar will provide tax practitioners and business owners with a comprehensive overview of the tax issues that arise when forming a Subchapter S corporation. Our panel of pass-through experts will guide you through the shareholder eligibility requirements, issuing common stock, filing Form 2553, and selecting a year-end and accounting method.
- S corporation formation issues
- Benefits and caveats of S corporation status
- Eligibility
- Accounting methods
- Year-end selection
- Filing the S election
- Stock issuance and requirements
- Paying the owners
- Incorporation of an LLC or partnership
- The “check the box” association election for an LLC or partnership
- Selling considerations
The panel will cover these and other critical issues:
- What forms and registrations do most states require for S corporations?
- When should an S corporation consider a fiscal year end?
- What individuals and entities are eligible to be S corporation shareholders?
- What are the stock requirements and restrictions for S corporations?

Professor Robert W. Jamison, CPA
Professor Emeritus of Accounting
Indiana University
Mr. Jamison is Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI). His... | Read More
Mr. Jamison is Professor Emeritus of Accounting at Indiana University, Purdue University, Indianapolis (IUPUI). His principal area of specialization is S Corporations. He is the sole author of S Corporation Taxation, and co-author of Multistate Tax Guide to Pass-Through Entities, both of which are published annually by CCH, a Wolters Kluwer business. He is a regular contributor to Land Grant University Tax Education Foundation, Inc. National Income Tax Workbook and has contributed to Federal Tax Workshop. He presents advanced and update S Corporation seminars for various states' CPA societies and to other professional organizations. He is a member of the AICPA S Corporation Technical Resource Panel. He consults on S corporation and other business entity problems and has secured letter rulings from the IRS.
Jared C. Slipman
Obermayer Rebmann Maxwell & Hippel
Mr. Slipman is an attorney in Obermayer’s Business & Finance Department. He focuses his practice on tax... | Read More
Mr. Slipman is an attorney in Obermayer’s Business & Finance Department. He focuses his practice on tax structuring and analysis attendant to corporate transactions as well as advising clients on tax considerations critical to intercompany restructuring, debt financing, choice of entity questions, third-party financing, and formation and liquidation transactions. Mr. Slipman provides corporate tax and legal entity structuring guidance to clients in connection with complex commercial transactions, which have included significant IPOs. He believes in a practical deal-oriented approach to tax analysis with the goal of helping clients minimize tax exposures.