S Corp Basis, Distributions, and Form 7203: Calculating Stock and Debt Basis, Losses, Loan Repayments
Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE/CPE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE/CPE webinar will provide tax professionals guidance for reporting S corporation basis calculations on Form 7203 and stock and debt basis limitations. The panel will discuss methods for the reconstruction of beginning basis and best practices for tracking shareholders' basis. The panel will also discuss challenges for reporting loan repayments, stock blocks, and utilization of suspended losses.
- S Corp basis and filing requirements
- Form 7203
- Part I – Stock Basis
- Part II – Debt Basis
- Part III - Shareholder Allowable Loss and Deduction Items
- Calculations and examples
- Reconstructing basis
- Best practices and pitfalls to avoid
The panel will cover these and other key issues:
- What are the key challenges in calculating stock and debt basis?
- Navigating Form 7203 and pitfalls to avoid
- Treatment of loan repayments as ordinary vs. capital income
- Reporting the utilization of prior year losses on Form 7203
- Using stock blocks to minimize shareholders' tax

Robert S. Barnett, JD, MS (Taxation), CPA
Capell Barnett Matalon & Schoenfeld
Mr. Barnett’s practice is highly concentrated in the areas of taxation, trusts, estates, corporate and... | Read More
Mr. Barnett’s practice is highly concentrated in the areas of taxation, trusts, estates, corporate and partnership law and charitable planning. His experience includes surrogate’s court practice, tax dispute resolution in both federal and state jurisdictions, and tax court representation. Mr. Barnett frequently assists clients in structuring financial transactions and charitable gifts. His articles and lectures encompass a wide variety of topics, including business succession, estate planning, generation-skipping, stock options, effective strategies for removing tax liens, proper utilization of the marital deduction and utilization of partnership elections.