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Physician-Owned Management Services Organizations: Regulatory Compliance, Contract Considerations, Enforcement

Recording of a 90-minute CLE video webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Monday, January 8, 2024

Recorded event now available

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE course will guide healthcare counsel on physician-owned management services organizations (MSOs). The panel will discuss contract considerations, regulatory issues, and recent governmental investigations/enforcement. The panel will also offer best practices for determining whether to pursue physician-owned MSOs and structuring physician-owned MSOs.


MSOs are increasingly playing an essential role in streamlining operations, thereby freeing physicians to focus on patient care. Physicians are setting up more physician-owned MSOs. Some are setting up the structure to attract investment in their existing structure.

Physician-owned MSOs can be designed to cover various services, including financial management, coding and billing, and purchasing, to optimize the practice's operation. The physician practice may also turn to an MSO to provide risk management and regulatory compliance services.

Counsel must carefully structure MSO agreements to comply with complex regulatory requirements, including anti-kickback laws. Further, physicians must understand the nature of services the MSO is providing and the limitations of the MSO.

Listen as our authoritative panel of healthcare attorneys examines physician-owned MSOs. The panel will discuss contract considerations, regulatory issues, and recent governmental investigations/enforcement. The panel will also offer best practices for determining whether to pursue physician-owned MSOs and structuring physician-owned MSOs.



  1. Contract considerations
  2. Regulatory issues
  3. Recent government investigations and enforcement
  4. Best practices
    1. Determining to use an MSO
    2. Structuring physician-owned MSO


The panel will review these and other key issues:

  • What factors contribute to physician practices considering and structuring physician-owned MSOs?
  • What are the critical factors for counsel in structuring MSOs?
  • What are best practices for counsel to ensure regulatory compliance in a physician-owned MSO?


Prives, Glenn
Glenn P. Prives, Esq.

Epstein Becker & Green

Mr. Prives helps clients navigate the strict regulatory structure of the healthcare industry. Clients appreciate that...  |  Read More

Souter, Patrick
Patrick D. Souter

Of Counsel
Gray Reed & McGraw

Mr. Souter is known for his legal and educational experience in the healthcare industry, making him a sought-after...  |  Read More

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