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Managing Complex Audits and Negotiating State and Local Tax Settlements

State Tax Compliance Traps, State Enforcement Actions, Audit and Settlement Procedures, Documentation

Note: CLE credit is not offered on this program

Recording of a 110-minute CPE webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CPE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford CPE+ Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Thursday, August 13, 2020

Recorded event now available

This course will provide tax professionals and corporate finance executives with useful strategies and best practices for managing audits and negotiating state and local tax settlements. The panel will guide advisers on critical sales tax and other state tax compliance issues and current methodologies for conducting internal audits, handling state audits, settlement procedures, and required documentation. Tips and tricks on how to respond to notices and nexus questionnaires, reframe the audit, and pre-audit strategies for an audit-ready business will be covered. The panel will also provide an in-depth analysis of essential areas of concern in an audit and offer tactics for taxpayers to obtain the best tax settlements.


States generally have a system for selecting taxpayers for audit and will use a variety of methods in doing so. Auditors may choose taxpayers because of sales volume, nexus, and the complexity of tax returns or based on the occurrence of specific events, such as bankruptcy, location closures, and implementing an online sales platform.

States yield broad powers in pursuing back taxes, penalties, and fees for noncompliance. Tax professionals and advisers must place greater emphasis on effective methods for avoiding and managing state tax audits, and more importantly, techniques for negotiating state and local tax settlement agreements.

Listen as our panel discusses effective methods in managing complex state tax audits, approaches to obtaining the best state and local tax settlements, and provides insight on state tax assessment issues under current federal tax law.



  1. Latest state tax enforcement actions and key issues
  2. Key state tax compliance issues
  3. Managing audits
  4. Negotiating settlements and key items of concern
  5. Tax controversy abatement


The panel will discuss these and other key issues:

  • What are standards of review and ways states find noncompliant businesses?
  • How can you manage risk from sales tax registrations and failures to file?
  • What should be on your nexus checklist to avoid tax audits?
  • What are effective tactics for negotiating state and local tax settlements?
  • What are the critical state tax controversy abatement issues and methods to overcome them?
  • When to settle or appeal state audit findings?


Korzhen, Alexander
Alexander Korzhen, J.D., MBA

SALT Senior Tax Manager

Mr. Korzhen joined TaxOps with over 15 years of state and local tax (SALT) specialization, driving positive tax...  |  Read More

Roberts, Stacey
Stacey L. Roberts, CPA

State and Local Tax Director

Ms. Roberts has been making state and local tax (SALT) less taxing for thousands of businesses over the last 25 years....  |  Read More

Zoerink, Connie
Connie Zoerink, CPA

State and Local Tax Director

Ms. Zoerink has years of public and private accounting experience specializing in state and local tax (SALT) research,...  |  Read More