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IP Rights in Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

Protected Works, Third-Party Marks, Content Created for AR/VR, Content Created in VR

Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Recorded event now available

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE course will guide counsel on intellectual property issues that arise in augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR). The panel will discuss the protection of IP rights and address the use of protected works and third-party marks. The panel will also examine potential IP infringement and the liability risks as well as what steps can be taken to mitigate those risks.


We see AR digital content everywhere--in GPS navigation, sports telecasts, virtual dressing rooms, gaming, and more. VR replaces the real world with a virtual world where users, typically wearing headsets, can interact in and with the virtual environment.

How far do IP rights go when applied in an augmented or fully virtual world? Does a trademark protect virtual goods? Does the creator of an AR/VR digital experience need to license the mark before depicting a branded beverage? When users modify content in AR and VR environments, do they create infringing derivative works?

Counsel to AR and VR developers and companies must be aware of liability exposure for including existing brands and copyrighted works such as music, video clips, and artwork. Trademark and copyright holders must also be on the lookout for infringement of their IP rights in AR and VR.

Listen as our authoritative panel of IP attorneys examines IP protection in AR and VR. The panel will address the use of protected works and third-party marks. The panel will also discuss potential IP infringement and the liability risks as well as what steps can be taken to mitigate those risks.



  1. Protecting IP rights in AR and VR creations
    1. Copyright
    2. Trademark
    3. Patents & Design Patents
  2. Use of third-party IP in AR/VR
    1. Copyright
    2. Trademark
    3. Right of Publicity
    4. Patents
  3. Liability mitigation and terms of use


The panel will review these and other noteworthy issues:

  • If a VR user creates virtual content while using the VR system, does the user own the IP rights in his/her creation?
  • How should counsel use copyright and trademark laws to protect in AR? Will augmenting trademarks create a likelihood of confusion?
  • Can placement of protected IP on private property grant ownership rights in the IP to the owners of the real property?
  • What are the hurdles to protecting IP in augmented and virtual worlds?


Culp, Kimberly
Kimberly Culp

Carr McClellan

Ms. Culp works with digital media, video game, and consumer products companies to resolve their high-stakes IP...  |  Read More

Wassom, Brian
Brian D. Wassom

Warner Norcross & Judd

Mr. Wassom litigates disputes and counsels clients in a wide range of commercial and intellectual property matters. He...  |  Read More

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