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Information Disclosure in Patent Prosecution: IDS Filings, Key Considerations, Strategies for Disclosure

Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE video webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Thursday, November 2, 2023

Recorded event now available

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This CLE course will guide patent counsel on disclosing relevant information in patent prosecution and post-issuance patent proceedings such as supplemental examination. The panel will discuss the considerations for the elements of the information disclosure statements, including the information disclosure statements (IDS) pleading, Form PTO/SB/08a and 08b, and addressing the timing of the filing. The panel will also examine the considerations for PTAs, continuing applications, and national phase applications. The panel will offer best practices for information disclosure in patent prosecution.


The duty of disclosure is a critical requirement of U.S. patent prosecution. Each individual involved with filing and prosecuting the application must disclose what they know is material to patentability.

This duty continues until a patent is issued and may arise again if the patent is involved in USPTO post-issuance proceedings. To meet the duty to disclose, patent applicants and their counsel should keep several considerations in mind when preparing and submitting IDS to the USPTO.

Failing to comply with the duty of disclosure requirements can be costly. It could lead to an inequitable conduct ruling, an unenforceable patent, and damages.

Patent counsel should also consider the timing of IDS submissions. As the prosecution progresses, these submissions may become more costly and challenging. As a result, counsel should encourage clients to disclose early and disclose new relevant information that comes to light.

Listen as our authoritative panel of patent attorneys examines the composition of an IDS filing. The panel will discuss the various considerations for the elements of the filing, including the IDS pleading, Form PTO/SB/08a and 08b, and addressing the timing of the filing. The panel will also discuss the considerations for PTAs, continuing applications, and national phase applications. The panel will offer best practices for information disclosure in patent prosecution.



  1. IDS filings: a brief overview
  2. Considerations for elements of the IDS filing
    1. Form PTO/SB/08a
    2. Form PTO/SB/08b
    3. Timing
  3. Other considerations
    1. PTAs
    2. Continuing applications
    3. National phase applications
  4. Best practices for disclosure


The panel will review these and other key issues:

  • What considerations for Form PTO/SB/08a or Form PTO/SB/08b should patent counsel keep in mind?
  • What should be disclosed related to a continuing application?
  • What role do IDSs play in a supplemental examination?
  • What strategies should counsel employ when determining whether and when to disclose?


Burgy, Adriana
Adriana L. Burgy

Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner

Ms. Burgy focuses on opinion work, client counseling, patent prosecution and management, and litigation in the...  |  Read More

Irving, Thomas
Thomas L. Irving

The Marbury Law Group

Mr. Irving has 47 years of experience in the field of IP law. His practice includes due diligence, patent prosecution,...  |  Read More

Mulcahy, John
John M. Mulcahy

Finnegan Henderson Farabow Garrett & Dunner

Mr. Mulcahy focuses on patent litigation before both the ITC and federal district courts. His litigation experience...  |  Read More

O’Brien, Michelle
Michelle E. O'Brien

The Marbury Law Group

Ms. O’Brien has more than 20 years of experience representing domestic and foreign clients of all sizes in...  |  Read More

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