Elder Care Incapacity Planning: Advanced Directives and POLSTS, POAs, Controversial End-of-Life Healthcare Decisions
Recording of a 90-minute CLE webinar with Q&A
This CLE course will provide knowledge to elder care attorneys on representing clients facing end-of-life and incapacity healthcare and financial decision-making issues. The panel will discuss the pros, cons and pitfalls of advanced directives, power of attorney, guardianships, and POLSTs. The program will close with a discussion of controversial topics in healthcare decision-making such as voluntarily stopping eating & drinking (VSED) and physician-assisted suicide.
- Incapacity Planning for Health Care Decision-Making: Advanced Directives, Living Wills, DNRs POLSTs
- Alicea vs. Doctor’s Hospital (Georgia case on Advance Directives)
- Incapacity Planning for Financial Decision Making: Durable Financial Powers of Attorney
- When All Else Fails: Guardianship & Conservatorship
- Controversial Topics in Healthcare Decision-Making: Voluntarily Stopping Eating & Drinking (VSED) and Physician-Assisted Suicide
- In re: Nora Harris (Oregon case)
The panel will review these and other key issues:
- How can solidly drafted Advanced Directives facilitate the implementation of a well-designed long-term care plan?
- What are the key factors for counsel when advising on the scope of a Power of Attorney?
- When should clients consider the use of POLSTs and MOLSTs, and how effective are these documents?
- How are state legislatures and courts addressing controversial topics in healthcare decision-making such as voluntarily stopping eating & drinking (VSED) and physician-assisted suicide?

Paul Black
Georgia Elder Law of Brannon Black
Mr. Black focuses his practice on counseling clients on elder law issues, including Medicaid & Veterans Benefits... | Read More
Mr. Black focuses his practice on counseling clients on elder law issues, including Medicaid & Veterans Benefits eligibility issues, guardianships, conservatorships. He also concentrates on estate planning and administration, and special needs planning.
Misty Clark Vantrease
Kentucky ElderLaw
Ms. Vantrease assists older clients, their children and other family members, with Nursing Home, Medicaid,... | Read More
Ms. Vantrease assists older clients, their children and other family members, with Nursing Home, Medicaid, asset preservation, asset distribution, mental capacity, probate, Guardianship and other issues, both financial and non-financial. In addition, she drafts legal documents such as Wills, Powers of Attorney, Living Wills, Health Care Surrogates, and Care Agreements for clients and family members. She also speaks and teaches in a variety of forums.