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Discrediting Deceptive Witnesses During Deposition: Preparation, Examination, Analysis, and Confirmation

Recording of a 90-minute CLE video webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Thursday, August 5, 2021

Recorded event now available

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE course will guide counsel through the three stages of any deposition that will expose intentionally false and deliberately misleading testimony. The program will explore how to develop a thorough line of attack to expose lies and half-truths.


At some point, every attorney will face a witness who willfully makes sworn statements without a sincere belief in their truth. When this happens, counsel may not know whether or how to confront the witness during the deposition.

Reliable "tells" that a witness is lying do not exist. When encountering false testimony from a witness, counsel must develop a thorough line of attack to expose the lie and the choices, motives, and decisions leading to the creation of the lie. In doing so, counsel can go beyond simply getting the trier of fact to disbelieve the witness but to reject the adversary's case altogether.

The process of exposing false testimony requires patience and deliberation when questioning a lying witness. Rarely, if ever, should counsel call the witness a liar. The conclusion will be more powerful if reached by the factfinder alone.

Listen as this experienced panel instructs litigators on how to expose the witness who is putting forth half-truths and lies.



  1. Degrees of false statements
  2. Strategies for exposing falsehoods
  3. Taking advantage of witnesses' untruthfulness


The panel will review these and other pivotal questions:

  • What are the signs a witness is not telling the truth?
  • What are the three stages of a deposition that expose a dishonest witness?
  • How should attorneys prepare for depositions where false testimony is expected?
  • Does exposing falsehoods or inconsistency during deposition give opposing counsel time to create a response?


Callagy, Sean
Sean R. Callagy, Esq.

Founder and President
Callagy Law

Mr. Callagy is the Founder and President of the 100 Plus Team of Callagy Law, which is now in 4 states. He is one of...  |  Read More

Smikun, Michael
Michael J. Smikun

Partner, Litigation
Callagy Law

Mr. Smikun leads the Litigation team and Workers Compensation team.

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Strafford will process CLE credit for one person on each recording. All formats include course handouts.

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