Defending No-Injury Class Actions Post-Spokeo: Standing for Statutory Violations, State Court Litigation, and CAFA Removal
Recording of a 90-minute CLE webinar with Q&A
This CLE course will discuss the impact of Spokeo on “no-injury” class action cases, primarily in consumer protection and data privacy cases, how challenges to Article III standing in federal court impact plaintiffs who try to shift such class actions into state court where different standing rules may apply. The program will discuss challenges for defendants in defending no-injury class actions in state court and navigating the impact of Spokeo on CAFA removal.
- Overview of Spokeo ruling
- Review of the potential impact of Spokeo on
- Circuit court cases addressing standing when a plaintiff files a claim alleging violation of a federal statute
- No-injury claims in state court
- Impact of Spokeo on CAFA removal
The panel will review these and other key issues:
- How have the circuit courts interpreted what constitutes an injury post-Spokeo?
- How have lower courts addressed the issue of standing when a plaintiff files a claim alleging a violation of a federal statute?
- Has the Spokeo ruling rendered CAFA meaningless because the ruling deprives defendants of the ability to defend a “no-injury” class action in federal court?

Gavin J. Rooney
Partner and Chair, Class Action Litigation Group
Lowenstein Sandler
Mr. Rooney specializes in class action and complex commercial litigation, representing corporate and institutional... | Read More
Mr. Rooney specializes in class action and complex commercial litigation, representing corporate and institutional clients. Consistently recognized as a leading commercial litigator, he has been described by clients as “excellent” and “very thorough, detail-oriented, and extremely intelligent” (Chambers USA).
Archis A. Parasharami
Mayer Brown
Mr. Parasharami is Co-Chair of Mayer Brown’s Class Action Practice and lead editor of the firm’s Class... | Read More
Mr. Parasharami is Co-Chair of Mayer Brown’s Class Action Practice and lead editor of the firm’s Class Defense Blog. He defends businesses against class action litigation in federal and state courts, with a focus on legal and strategy issues concerning whether a class can be certified.
Daniel E. Jones, Esq.
Mayer Brown
Mr. Jones is a litigator and a member of the firm’s Consumer Litigation & Class Actions and Supreme... | Read More
Mr. Jones is a litigator and a member of the firm’s Consumer Litigation & Class Actions and Supreme Court & Appellate practices. He authored numerous briefs in the US Supreme Court, federal and state appellate courts, and trial courts around the country, with a focus on arbitration and class action issues. He was part of the firm's team who represented the petitioner in Spokeo, Inc. v. Robins. He also authored numerous post-Spokeo briefs urging lower courts to dismiss no-injury class actions under the Supreme Court’s ruling. He has substantial experience litigating the enforceability of arbitration agreements.