Blockchain in Trademark Transactions, Enforcement
Documenting Use in Commerce, Detecting Counterfeit Goods, Chain of Ownership and Assignments, and More
Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE course will examine the many possible uses of blockchain for trademark management and transactions. The panel will discuss how brand owners can leverage blockchain in establishing, licensing, and enforcing trademark rights.
- Overview of blockchain technology
- Uses of blockchain in trademark transactions
- Record of brand transactions
- Confirming supply chain and authenticity
- Register and clear IP rights
- Evidence of use in commerce
- Establish and enforce trademark licenses
- Evidence of chain of ownership
- Authentication
- Detection of grey or parallel imported goods
- Certification verification
- Best practices for leveraging blockchain
The panel will review these and other high profile issues:
- Will blockchain impact trademarks?
- What are the benefits of blockchain in trademark transactions?
- How can brand owners use blockchain to reduce the number of counterfeits?
- What steps should counsel take to leverage blockchain to enforce trademark rights?

Anthony J. Biller
Managing Partner
Michael Best & Friedrich
Mr. Biller has extensive experience in patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret litigation in trial and appellate... | Read More
Mr. Biller has extensive experience in patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret litigation in trial and appellate courts across the country. Clients additionally look to him to assist with managing their intellectual property assets. He advises on trademark selection and registration, brand and content management, trade secret issues, as well as licensing and other inter partes contracts review. Mr. Biller works with clients and legal colleagues to understand and anticipate how new technologies affect their businesses, the practice of law and legal strategies, and the progression of intellectual property laws and precedent. He is the Former Chair of the ABA’s Trademarks and the Internet Committee.
Bennett Collen
Triblock Advisory
Mr. Collen leads GoDaddy's blockchain + trademark initiative and is an adjunct professor at the Boston College... | Read More
Mr. Collen leads GoDaddy's blockchain + trademark initiative and is an adjunct professor at the Boston College Carroll School of Management, teaching Business Applications of Blockchain. Previously, he was the founder and CEO of Cognate, which was acquired by GoDaddy in September 2018. Mr. Collen is the Coordinator of the Blockchain Task Force for the Emerging Issues Committee of the International Trademark Association (INTA), sits on the Blockchain Intellectual Property Council within the Digital Chamber of Commerce, and is a Founding Member of the Chamber's Token Alliance Group. Mr. Collen is a sought after speaker, presenting lectures, webinars, and education sessions on blockchain and blockchain + trademarks at universities and events in the U.S. and Europe.
Anna E. Raimer
Jones Day
Ms. Raimer works with clients to design and implement worldwide trademark protection programs, strengthen their IP... | Read More
Ms. Raimer works with clients to design and implement worldwide trademark protection programs, strengthen their IP portfolios, and resolve domestic and international trademark disputes. She has significant experience managing international brands for clients. Ms. Raimer counsels clients regarding the development and protection of intellectual property assets in industries ranging from personal care products to automotive goods to sports and entertainment services to energy. She oversees all aspects of trademark clearance, prosecution, and maintenance, and she advises on trademark and copyright issues in license agreements and commercial transactions. Ms. Raimer is an adjunct professor at the University of Houston Law Center, teaching internet law. She is vice chair of the USPTO Operations Relating to Trademarks Committee of the ABA Section of Intellectual Property Law and a member of the International Trademark Association's Publications Committee.