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Amplified Anti-Corruption Risks During COVID-19: Navigating Compliance and Investigation Challenges, Addressing Misconduct

Recording of a 90-minute CLE webinar with Q&A

This program is included with the Strafford CLE Pass. Click for more information.
This program is included with the Strafford All-Access Pass. Click for more information.

Conducted on Thursday, April 30, 2020

Recorded event now available

or call 1-800-926-7926

This CLE course will guide counsel on anti-corruption investigations and compliance in the new novel coronavirus (COVID-19) environment. The panel will discuss the hurdles that COVID-19 presents and offer workarounds and best practices for conducting investigations and remaining compliant.


Travel restrictions, office closures, and internal process changes implemented by companies during this COVID-19 pandemic pose unique challenges for addressing corporate misconduct.

In these uncertain times, how should compliance and investigations efforts adapt? To detect and manage misconduct, compliance resources and priorities must reflect changing external factors such as supply chain disruptions and internal factors such as evolving business pressures and internal dynamics from remote or partially operating work forces. Does your compliance contingency plan reflect likely and worst-case scenarios so that compliance efforts remain effective and issues can be addressed?

Conducting investigations during the current crisis means coming up with solutions in an environment where some accepted best-practice principles are temporarily unworkable but many of the challenges are magnified. And while regulators face their own challenges, it is certain that they will remain interested in pursuing instances of corporate misconduct. We will discuss considerations and associated risks that companies should keep in mind, including how to leverage technology and other workarounds in order to conduct effective investigations throughout your organization.

Listen as our authoritative panel of compliance and investigations attorneys examines the impact of COVID-19 on anti-corruption compliance and investigations. The panel will also offer tips on workarounds and best practices.



  1. Amplified risks in COVID-19 environment
    1. Remote workplace
    2. Supply chain challenges
    3. Communication and information sharing
    4. Identifying changes in risk profile
  2. Adapting compliance programs
    1. Taking stock of risks
    2. Leveraging resources
    3. Contingency plans
    4. Remediation
  3. Adapting investigations practices
    1. Regulators’ expectations
    2. Evaluating how to modify “best practices” without sacrificing the
      integrity and reliability of an investigation
    3. Leveraging technology in data collection, analysis, and interview
    4. Protecting privilege and confidentiality


The panel will review these and other key issues:

  • Anti-corruption risks resulting from COVID-19
  • Steps to ensure anti-corruption compliance in a COVID-19 environment
  • Considerations for conducting anti-corruption investigations


Ellis, Matteson
Matteson Ellis

Miller & Chevalier

Mr. Ellis has extensive experience in all areas of international anti-corruption compliance and enforcement. With a...  |  Read More

Sultan, Ann
Ann Sultan

Miller & Chevalier

Ms. Sultan focuses on internal and government investigations, international corporate compliance, and white collar...  |  Read More

Wise, Andrew
Andrew T. Wise

Miller & Chevalier

Mr. Wise defends clients in white collar criminal and civil trials and represents multinational companies in fraud and...  |  Read More

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