WHOIS and Enforcement: Data Accuracy Concerns, Natural/Legal Person, NIS2, SSAD, and Current Views on GDPR
Opportunities and Risks of UDRP, ACPA, PDDRP, Sunrise and Trademark Claims Services
Recording of a 90-minute premium CLE video webinar with Q&A
This CLE course will guide trademark counsel on recent developments on WHOIS heading into the next Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) meeting (ICANN71). The panel will also discuss the current policy issues driving changes to WHOIS and how data is accessed all with an eye on how it will affect efficient use of rights protection mechanisms, including the Uniform Domain Name Resolution Policy (UDRP). The panel will discuss recent cases as well as how the U.S.'s ACPA fits into the equation.
- ICANN developments: ICANN 64
- Recent decisions/proceedings
- Avoiding the pitfalls
- Determining which RPM to use
The panel will review these and other key issues:
- How has the domain name space evolved since the launch of the new gTLD program? What recent developments arose at the latest ICANN meeting?
- What are the opportunities and risks of the URS? The UDRP? The ACPA? Sunrise? Claims Service?
- What factors should counsel consider when determining how to address an infringing domain name?

Paul D. McGrady, Jr.
Taft Stettinius & Hollister
Mr. McGrady works with clients in the adoption, prosecution, licensing and enforcement of trademarks in the United... | Read More
Mr. McGrady works with clients in the adoption, prosecution, licensing and enforcement of trademarks in the United States and throughout the world. He represents large brand owners, including new gTLD applicants in their domain name and Internet matters. His experience includes domain name disputes, domain name transactions, the creation of new top level domain names, CAN-SPAM disputes, Computer Fraud & Abuse Act disputes, online copyright and brand identity disputes, and transactions and counseling related to intellectual property aspects of social/mobile media.
Brian J. King
Head of Policy and Advocacy
Mr. King is a vocal advocate for internet and IP policy that protects the rights and promotes the interests of... | Read More
Mr. King is a vocal advocate for internet and IP policy that protects the rights and promotes the interests of Clarivate and its customers. He has spent the last twelve years in a variety of legal and business leadership roles with domain name registrars and IP protection companies. He is currently serving a term on the International Trademark Association (INTA) Data Protection Committee, having previously served on INTA’s Internet Committee, and is active with ICANN’s IP Constituency. He is Vice Chair of the American Bar Association IP Section’s Trademarks and the Internet Committee.
Susan Payne
Head of Legal Policy
Com Laude
Ms. Payne’s practice encompasses a wide variety of tasks, including consulting on various registry policies and... | Read More
Ms. Payne’s practice encompasses a wide variety of tasks, including consulting on various registry policies and agreements; dealing with application conflict management on behalf of clients; and engaging in ICANN policy development, such as participating in working groups, submitting public comments and corresponding with the ICANN Board. She is one of the honorary legal advisors to the Brand Registry Group (BRG) and is a past subcommittee chair of INTA’s internet committee, dealing with new gTLD matters. Ms. Payne is the former Head of Brand Protection at BBC Worldwide.