New EPA Ethylene Oxide Final Rule: Emissions Control Standards, Reporting Requirements, Permitting, Compliance Timeline
A live 90-minute CLE video webinar with interactive Q&A
This CLE webinar will guide environmental practitioners through the U.S. EPA's long-awaited final rule regulating the use of ethylene oxide (EtO) by commercial sterilizers. The panel will discuss the rule's stricter emissions control standards, new reporting requirements, and best practices for assisting clients to prepare for compliance.
- Introduction: history of the final EtO rule
- The final rule
- Purpose
- Covered entities
- Emissions control
- Varying standards
- Fugitive emissions
- Alternative compliance options
- Title V permitting
- Reporting and monitoring
- Fenceline and offsite warehouse monitoring
- Compliance timeline
- Enforcement
- Remaining questions; future rulemaking
- Impact on covered entities
- State law interaction
- Preparing for compliance
- Abatement equipment
- Permitting
- Supply chain issues
- Practitioner takeaways
The panel will review these and other important issues:
- How does the final EtO rule differ from the April 2023 proposed rule?
- What emissions control standards are set by the final rule?
- How do the emissions control standards vary based on the size of the facility and the amount of EtO used?
- What alternative compliance methods are allowed by the final rule?
- What are the final rule's reporting requirements?
- How can counsel help their clients prepare for compliance now?
Aaron L. Szabo
Government and Regulatory Affairs Attorney
Faegre Drinker Biddle & Reath
Mr. Szabo partners with clients to navigate complex environmental and energy issues. He provides advice on climate... | Read More
Mr. Szabo partners with clients to navigate complex environmental and energy issues. He provides advice on climate change, traditional air pollution and chemicals, as well as general administrative and environmental issues. Mr. Szabo has more than a decade of experience in federal environmental and energy policy. His executive branch career spanned three presidential administrations, during which time he counseled decisionmakers on environmental, energy and natural resource statutes and regulations; analyzed regulatory policies to identify potential legal issues; researched and evaluated proposed legislation to respond to congressional reports and prepare testimony; and acted as liaison with other federal agencies and state, local and tribal representatives. Mr. Szabo was involved in the development of multiple significant EPA climate and air regulations, including the Clean Power Plan, and oil and natural gas methane regulations. He also worked on the Council on Environmental Quality’s National Environmental Policy Act’s updated regulations and federal sustainability policies.
Closeto be announced.
Early Discount (through 09/27/24)
Cannot Attend October 22?
Early Discount (through 09/27/24)
You may pre-order a recording to listen at your convenience. Recordings are available 48 hours after the webinar. Strafford will process CLE credit for one person on each recording. All formats include course handouts.